Penn Retains BRL to Develop a Landmark Higher Education Sponsorship Platform

What do students from the University of Bergen (Norway), Tavrida National University (Ukraine) and the University of Iowa have in common? They are participating in the Universities as Sites of Citizenship project, a global research program whose mission is to identify ways that colleges and universities are involved in the shaping of democratic institutions. They are, in essence, global citizens and students at Global U.

The mission of the Universities of Sites of Citizenship (USC) is to establish a worldwide network of self-sustaining programs and publications promoting democracy in education and responsible citizenship on campuses, communities and in the corporate arena. The tri-phase project is a unique sponsorship platform -- being designed and marketed by BRL -- for global and regional companies interested in engaging the burgeoning audience of college communities participating in the program around the world.

Conceived in the Council of Europe (CoE), the USC is a timely endeavor supported and lead by the efforts of professors Henry Teune, Frank Plantan, and Ira Harkavy at the University of Pennsylvania. With funding from the CoE and the National Science Foundation, and sponsorship by the International Consortium for Higher Education, Civic Responsibility and Democracy, Phase 1 (the pilot study) was launched in 1999 and completed in May 2002. Among its accomplishments:

• Design of multi-lingual research instruments

• Collection of baseline data

• Publication of results through the American Political Science Association, American Association for Higher Education, the CoE

• Publication of articles in Political Psychologist, PS: Political Science and Politics and The Presidency

Phase 2, planned to begin in late 2005, will expand the program to over 200 additional sites worldwide, with coordination continuing through Penn.

Click here for a complete Program Summary.

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